Skating Uphill - September 2023
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
“Yes, I have made quite a fantastic discovery
and believe it or not, it's something
I take like a medicine!”
– The Uphill Skater –
For years I have prided myself on the fact that I do not drink or smoke, and I am a vegetarian. I try to not take anything that can be called a medicine. I know this sounds a bit silly with all of the new meds out there, and yes, I have softened a bit as I have grown older. However, I believe our bodies can work toward health by what we eat and how we move. I must also say, before I share my newfound gift, I am not a doctor or medical professional, which I remind readers of often. But, my daughter, who is in fact a medical doctor, tells me one cannot stress this often enough. So, with all of that being said, here goes:
Reel Corner - September 2023
Indie Film Picks 2023
If you are a fan of independent films,
I encourage you to search out these Indie finds.
Last year saw Baz Luhrmann reimagine Elvis Presley’s early years—and now, Sofia Coppola is telling his ex-wife Priscilla Presley’s side of the story. Based on the bestselling memoir, Elvis and Me, the film brings Priscilla firmly into the spotlight to compassionately explore what being married to one of the world’s most famous men really felt like. Expect Coppola’s signature hazy cinematography, plus star turns from newcomer Cailee Spaeny as Priscilla and Euphoria’s Jacob Elordi as Elvis.
Pink Prescriptions - September 2023
Show Your Body Some Love: Knowledge is Power When it Comes to Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Fibroid Tumors
A woman’s health can be complicated, especially when it comes to the complex and intricate reproductive system. While this is the place in a woman’s body where miracles happen, it is also a place where things can go very wrong. We are addressing a few of these maladies this month, learning more about Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Fibroid Tumors. Knowledge is power, and we encourage you to read on to learn what local experts have to teach us about these conditions.
Parenting August 2023: Sometimes Moms Should Not Interfere
Living With Children by John Rosemond
Q: Our 22-month-old son has developed a bad habit of spitting out bites of food. The first time it happened, I had set a cup on his tray while he was still chewing. He removed the food from his mouth, set it on his tray, and took a drink. I thought nothing of it, but it’s gotten progressively worse. Sometimes he’ll chew a bite of food for a while, take it out of his mouth, put it on his tray, and take a bite of something else. Then he puts the half-chewed bite back in his mouth and begins chewing on it again. If I catch him before he spits out a bite, I can sometimes coach him into chewing and swallowing. We have tried only giving him one bite at a time once the prior bite is swallowed, but this isn’t working. What can we do?
Single File - August 2023
All the Single Ladies: Here’s the Answers to a Few of Your Questions
Go Ahead and Flirt!
Flirting has disappeared. Fact, not fiction. Judging from my reader mail, it has dropped out of the romantic repertoire—with absolutely no words of regret or comeback. But why has it gone, this once-admired art? The message I'm getting is this: We've found our womanpower; tremble at the roar if you dare.
Well, I, too, favor female strength, so I'm all in for womanpower—but expressed differently.
Quote - August 2023
Skating Uphill - August 2023
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
I like Tom Cruise as well as the next person, and I love the Mission Impossible movies, but I really don’t believe it is a true statement, especially where women are concerned. I hate to use the term “kept down” but sometimes it really fits, doesn’t it? Check it out…not just on the news or even in Pink, check it out in this month’s issue and all around you. Just look at where we are compared to where we were, and best of all, look at where we are going.
Reel Corner - August 2023
A Word or Two About Ageism
The Reel Corner was recently at a barbecue where a sweet woman, age 76, was lamenting that she was denied being godmother to her grandchild by her pastor for being too old. Too old really?
Our current president is 80, a past president running again at age 77, and the Pope is 86. Twenty-five percent of our Congress is over 70 years old, and if you remember, George Bush celebrated his 85th birthday with a skydive in 2009.
Pink Prescriptions - August 2023
Get Back on Track When it Comes to Your Urinary Tract Infections and Incontinence: Help is on the Way
When it comes to your urinary tract, it is important to stay on the right track! Not only can urinary issues cause pain, infection, and the breakdown of tissue, they can also cause unwanted leaking and diminish your quality of life. Fortunately, there are ground-breaking, new and exciting treatments that can put incontinence and recurring infections in their place and put your urinary tract back on the right track! We asked two local physicians, who help patients resolve these issues every day, to share their knowledge with us. Be prepared to learn something new; we sure did. The best news, though, there is help…and it can work!
Parenting July 2023: Rosemond’s Bill of Rights for Children
Living With Children by John Rosemond
In 1993, President Clinton signed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, an international treaty that extends to children the rights to associate with whom they please and have access to all forms of media, among other head-scratchers. Thankfully, as of March, 2023, the U.S. Senate has not ratified this nefarious document.
I subsequently channeled my indignation into a counter-document titled “Rosemond’s Bill of Rights for Children.” Recently, numerous folks have requested that I reprint the “Bill of Rights.”
So, in tribute to civilized behavior, I give you the short list of a child’s rights:
Single File - July 2023
Children as Connection
Skip today’s column if you’re looking for startling new techniques guaranteed to benefit the children of mateless mothers like you. As much as I feel a special tenderness for young people who grow up with a single parent (my own son Scott was only 4 when he became part of a two-person family), what we’re interested in right now is you. Resilient, resourceful and valued, those children will grow up and leave home to follow their own destinies. And the adult they leave behind, you, will only be as self-reliant and contented as the connections you formed while they were still in the nest. That’s the challenge: Giving enough to your family while giving to yourself. And no one (including me) is saying it can be accomplished without plenty of inner conflict.
Quote - July 2023
Skating Uphill - July 2023
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
“Creative Minds are great, but sometimes
the search for something new or different can
be a pain in the bee-hind!”
– The Uphill Skater –
One of the most impactful aspects of creativity is doing something new with something old. However, something new can sometimes be nothing more than discovering new pieces of an already completed puzzle. Learning new tidbits or deeper layers can often be a game changer.
Here’s an example: I am a pescatarian (a vegetarian who eats fish and shellfish). I had been a full vegetarian but started eating fish when I moved from California to Hilton Head Island. The fresh fish, shrimp right off the boats, and mussels were too delicious and healthy to pass up. I felt that if I was a vegetarian for health reasons, then I was quite the hypocrite by not eating the freshest food indigenous to the Lowcountry.
Reel Corner - July 2023
Filmakers and Artificial Intelligence
First let’s define AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an advanced technology, typically run by a series of algorithms, computers, or robots, that uses real-time data to simulate human intelligence. AI can replicate human discernment and make real-time decisions.
Artificial Intelligence is a technology that allows machines and computer applications to mimic human intelligence, learning from experience via iterative processing and algorithmic training.
You can think of AI as being a form of intelligence used to solve problems, create solutions, answer questions, make predictions, or offer strategic suggestions.
Pink Prescriptions - July 2023
8 Hours Seem Like a Dream? A Good Night's Rest is Within Reach!
Most of us treasure that time of the night when we crawl into bed, pull up the covers, turn off the lights and snooze into dreamland. Unfortunately for some, bedtime is battling time. A full-on fight begins to try to get comfortable, stop tossing and turning, and finally doze off. For those who have trouble sleeping, bedtime can be dreadful, and morning even worse. Sleep is imperative for good health. While sleeping, the body performs a number of repairing and maintaining processes that affect nearly every part of the body. So, when your sleep becomes deprived, truly your whole body—and mind—suffer. Because of its importance, we had questions about sleep. That’s why we asked the professionals to help us get a good night’s rest.
Parenting June 2023: Fathers Are Important. Period.
Living With Children by John Rosemond
Q: “What have I done to cause my 18-month-old son to reject me?” asks a new dad. Whenever he tries to hold his son, feed, dress, or change him, the child puts up great resistance and screams hysterically for his mother.
A: Actually, Dad is describing behavior that is not at all unusual for this age child. It has its roots in the fact that with rare exception, the parent who has been at the child’s beck-and-call until now has been the mother. During infancy and early toddlerhood, even the most well-intentioned father is considerably less involved with his child than is his wife.
Single File - June 2023
Burger King Beau "Have it Your Way"
Dear Susan:
I have sexual feelings for my boyfriend, but it's usually when we're apart. I get that rush of lovey feelings when I'm at work or driving to the store; I think of him and how he makes me feel good about myself. More than that, I love that he complements me so well. Still, as soon as I see him in person, all I need is a hug or a quick kiss; all those feelings leave.
So tell me: How weird am I? I come from a non-affectionate family, though we love one another. I married at 19, had a wonderful son and, after I got divorced, vowed never to repeat the mistake of not being true to myself.
Quote - June 2023
Skating Uphill - June 2023
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
“Eat This, Not That Again!””
– The Uphill Skater –
The weather is here and it’s time to eat outdoors, grill, picnic, snack at the beach, host backyard barbecues, or dine on a restaurant patio; whichever you choose, just get outside! Some people say that winter is the time for warm comfort foods and heavy gravy, but we know this is not really true, don’t we Lowcountry foodies?
Warm weather brings out some big appetites—places to go, things to do, and food to eat. In order to put a bit of control in place, I am going to do another helpful guide of “Eat This, Not That.” Lots of new information has been put out, and we need time to “digest” the many new findings.
Reel Corner - June 2023
Re-release of The Way
The WAY (2010)
Martin Sheen, Emilio Estevez
Directed by Emilio Estevez
A father heads to Spain to recover the body (ashes) of his estranged son who died while traveling the Camino de Santiago ( The Way of Saint James) and decides to make the pilgrimage himself.
After a two-year journey to gain back the rights to The Way, Emilio Estevez arranged with Fathom Events to re-release the film nationwide last month on about 800 screens. The effort has led to not only a chance to dust off a 12-year-old film, but also to start work on a sequel.
Pink Prescriptions - June 2023
Get Adjusted! Chiropractic Care is for You.
There’s so much more to chiropractic care than a bad back. Chiropractic is a licensed health care profession that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Often people turn to chiropractic care when pain is involved, but the key to staying flexible and minimizing pain for a lifetime may be in seeking chiropractic care on a regular basis to prevent problems from occurring while maintaining proper working joints—even when you’re not in pain. We asked our local experienced chiropractors questions readers are curious about. Read on to learn more.
Parenting May 2023: Don't Push the Issue
Living With Children by John Rosemond
Q: My almost-3-year-old, when I begin to do something, will yell, “I WILL DO IT!” When it’s something he can do, fine, but if it’s not, then I just say, “No, Mommy will do it” and that’s the end of it. He also tells me, probably ten times a day, “No nap, Mommy! No nap!” When it’s nap time, however, he goes upstairs and gets in his little bed without a fight. Finally, when I tell him to do something, he’ll say, “Ummmm, no.” But then he turns right around and obeys. Should I make an issue of any of this?
Single File - May 2023
Back in the Dating World & Do You Respect Your Man
Dear Susan:
A 42-year-old professional woman, I'm new to the single world—and scared to death. I have been away from this type of thing for 15 years and, with an 18-year-old daughter, don't want to end up in a place where her friends hang out. I've been reading "Single File" and the letters that come to you out of neediness. Is it really that bad out there? —From the "Single File" blog
Dear Reader:
The single world—like the married world—is made up of people of all shapes, sizes and colors and is home to every conceivable type of personality, morality and ethical code. You will discover, as you live your life as an unmarried woman, that the type of person you befriended as a wife and mother is pretty much the kind of person you attract (and are attracted to) as an unmarried woman. Your core values won't alter one whit.
Quote - May 2023
Skating Uphill - May 2023
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
“Eat This, Not That Again!””
– The Uphill Skater –
The weather is here and it’s time to eat outdoors, grill, picnic, snack at the beach, host backyard barbecues, or dine on a restaurant patio; whichever you choose, just get outside! Some people say that winter is the time for warm comfort foods and heavy gravy, but we know this is not really true, don’t we Lowcountry foodies?
Warm weather brings out some big appetites—places to go, things to do, and food to eat. In order to put a bit of control in place, I am going to do another helpful guide of “Eat This, Not That.” Lots of new information has been put out, and we need time to “digest” the many new findings.
Reel Corner - May 2023
Air—A Story of Greatness
Air is a story about a shoe, granted not just any shoe, but seriously,
a whole two hours about a shoe? The Reel Corner was intrigued and recently
sat down in the comfy recliner seats at Park Plaza Cinema on Hilton Head
and found Air to be much more than about a shoe.
“A shoe is just a shoe until someone steps in it.” —Sonny Vaccaro
Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, Viola Davis, Chris Messina
Directed by Ben Affleck
Air is a revolutionary tale that changed marketing culture forever. This true tale follows Sonny Vaccaro (Damon), a Nike executive and athletic recruiter hustling to make the deal of a lifetime.
We all know Michael Jordan became a superstar and arguably the greatest basketball player in the history of the game, and the Air Jordan basketball shoe became a slam dunk—the best known and most coveted sneaker of all time. So how does a filmmaker tell a compelling story to which we already know the outcome?
Pink Prescriptions - May 2023
Female Problems Four Issues to Talk to Your Gynecologist About
As if dealing with a monthly period isn’t bad enough, there are conditions some women experience that make matters worse. Almost everyone dreads
“that time of the month” but having a regular menstrual cycle is a good sign.
There are many things that can go wrong whether you’re trying to
get pregnant or not. This month our local medical experts chime in
on four of the most common reasons women experience
menstrual irregularity, severe cramps and pain, and infertility.
Parenting April 2023: Children Accept Leadership, They Abuse Control
Living With Children by John Rosemond
My wife and I were enjoying an evening out in one of our favorite restaurants when a family of three—mother, father, girl of perhaps four—were shown to a table next to ours. Immediately, the parents began asking the little one where she wanted to sit. They both stood while she went about trying each chair until she finally settled on one. Well, not really, because as soon as everyone sat, she wanted to move, so she and her father exchanged seats. This entire process took several minutes.
Then the parents began reading to her from the menu and asking her what she wanted to eat. She was obviously having difficulty deciding, so her parents began making suggestions. “Perhaps you’d like this. You had this once and you liked it. How about trying it again?” No, she didn’t think so, so her parents went through the process again…and again…and again.
Single File - April 2023
Dating With Grown Children
Dear Susan:
I've been divorced for three years and dated on and off, with many one-time dates. For the past year, I've been seeing a man very different from me in many ways. His life has been harder, and he hasn't had the opportunities that I've been fortunate to have in my life, such as education and a stable family life. During the 20 years of his marriage, he often worked two jobs to help support his wife while she completed college and they raised two children. I really enjoy this man's company; we have fun when we're together, and he always lifts my spirits. He is tender, caring and a hard worker and has values comparable to mine.