Matters of the Heart: Facts You Need to Know About Heart Health
Matters of the heart are serious. More than any other female medical condition, heart disease is No. 1, and in this case, it is not a good thing. It is the No. 1 cause of stroke, disability, and death in women…and men. Once thought to be only a concern for men, women need to take heart when it comes to their heart health.
Is your body communicating signs or symptoms? Are you paying attention? These Pink Prescriptions’ heart-healthy answers to our questions, provided by local cardiology experts, are the facts. Educate yourself! Do not ignore the signs! Talk to your care provider and ask questions. It’s your health, and when it comes to matters of the heart, it can be as serious as a heart attack. Read on to learn more.
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Goodbye, UTI!
Even though no one wants a urinary tract infection (UTI), it seems we all get them from time to time. Some more frequently or severe than others. In addition to making you feel as though you have to go, in spite of the fact that you just went, UTIs are painful and require a trip to the doctor’s office. As often as women have to deal with UTIs, one would think we know everything about this common occurrence.
However, when we asked women what they wanted to know about UTIs, we learned there’s still a lot of questions surrounding this sensitive subject. So, we reached out to two local experts to get some answers to help minimize the risk of getting a UTI.
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Joint Health—Takes a Joint Effort
Is a new knee or hip on your Christmas list this year? Knowing the pain a worn-out joint can cause, it’s easy to put replacement surgery at the top of your list. Not only does joint replacement surgery give the gift of a new joint, it also gives hope for a pain-free life and freedom of moving with ease. These joint surgeries are giving millions of people a new lease on life. Those who could no longer play golf or tennis, and those who had become so debilitated they could hardly walk without experiencing excruciating pain are enjoying the benefits of joint replacement.
However, surgery is not the answer for everyone. Joint health relief helps thousands of patients to feel better and stronger for their day-to-day routines. And it’s well worth the effort, as regaining physical function and well-being is one of the biggest driving factors in overall wellness and quality of life.
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Get Control of Your Blood Sugar: Before Diabetes Takes Control of You
If you want to live your healthiest life for years to come, know that diabetes is your archenemy. Basically, it is the beginning of the demise of major organs and imperative systems that keep your body functioning properly. If the threat of diabetes pays you a call, you need to take it seriously. Unfortunately, diabetes is on the rise in America and showing up in households in record numbers. Less active lifestyles, combined with fast, processed, and excessive diets, are taking a toll on men and women, alike, as well as creeping into the younger population like never before. However, there is hope, but it starts with you. When you educate yourself on the risks of this disease and actively partner with your healthcare provider, you can live a sweet life without the perils of this dreaded disease, or at least have them under control.
We want to help! So, to start you on your educational trek, read on to see what our local healthcare experts have to say about this serious health topic.
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Educate to Eradicate: We're Spilling the Tea on Your TaTas
As a woman, can you ever know enough about breast cancer? We think not, which is why we asked local experts to tell us more. It is of utmost importance to educate yourself all you can. After all, knowing your risks and early detection can saves lives—maybe yours!
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Beat Back to School Germs
It’s back-to-school time, which means the chance of getting sick is on the rise. No one ever escaped childhood without experiencing the typical illnesses that seem to swarm through schools every year. Illnesses that get everyone’s noses running and a day or two off from school. Of course, lying in bed with fever and chills is not nearly as fun as gym class, but then again, if it means a few more days to study for a chemistry test, it may not seem so bad.
The six most-prevalent illnesses in schools are: Influenza; COVID; Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease; Stomach Flu; Strep Throat; and Pink Eye. And as we all know, these illnesses can easily pass from child to child, child to teacher, and child to parent in the wheeze of a sneeze or one little night, night kiss. No one likes feeling bad or being sick, and that’s why we went to the professionals to learn more about avoiding illness and what to look for now that the children are back in school:
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The Morning Hobble: Is it Arthritis?
Swelling, tenderness, stiffness, and pain are expected when an injury occurs. If you fall and hurt your knee, chances are you will experience all four of these symptoms, as well as some bruising. However, most of us experience some of these symptoms even when we haven’t injured ourselves. We just wake up feeling like we’ve been hit by a Mack truck and literally hobble to the kitchen to inject coffee.
Is this arthritis? Not necessarily! But there’s both good and bad news. If symptoms are fleeting, arthritis is probably not the culprit. You may simply need to stretch, exercise, reduce inflammatory food and beverage intake, or drink more water. However, if the symptoms persist throughout the day, you may have arthritis and need to check in with your physician. We wanted to learn more about arthritis because it’s a disease many people have but very few talk about. It also seems to be an inevitable condition that naturally comes along with aging. Tell us this isn’t so! We had to be sure, so we asked the experts to tell us more.
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World Heart Rhythm Week: Is Your Heart Beating Properly?
World Heart Rhythm Week (WHRW) is June 3-9 this year. The week is dedicated to education and awareness of heart rhythm disorders and here’s why it’s important:
Your heartbeat is the most fundamental rhythm in your life, signaling the regular pumping of your heart as it sends blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to the rest of your body. It’s easy to take this regular beating for granted, never giving it a second thought, until the masterful control process goes wrong. The consequences can be devastating! When your heart rhythm is not at a consistent pace, you may have an arrhythmia.
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Help Your Skin Win Against Skin Cancer
The beach, golf, tennis, bike rides, long walks, pickle ball, fishing, kayaking, boating, and summer picnics all have two things in common: 1. They are all a ton of fun, and 2. They all expose us to the sweltering summer sun. Like most everything in life, there is both a good and bad side of sunshine. The essential Vitamin D we soak in from the sun’s rays is important for good health and feeling well. However, if we take in too much, especially without protection, those rays of sunshine can decide to play dirty.
The key to enjoying the sunshine, again, like most everything, is moderation. Be smart and proactive when spending the day outdoors. Use a tent or umbrella to relax under when at the beach. Be sure to lather on the sunscreen if you’re going to be on the courts or golf course for hours on end. Wear a hat; there are a lot of cute ones out there! Pay extra attention to your face, nose, the tops of your feet, the tips of your ears, and your shoulders. Buy a quality sunscreen. (See our suggestions.) And get checkups every year.
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Let’s Talk About Colon Health: Because Colorectal Issues are Too Hard to Stomach
A healthy colon is a much taken for granted organ when working properly. However, when things go awry, it can turn into a terrible situation. The colon is essential for waste removal in the body. If it’s not working properly, the body can’t absorb essential nutrients, or rid itself of waste. Colon health is incredibly important, although it’s not something most people want to talk about—even to their doctor.
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month—the perfect time to educate yourself about this disease. Colorectal cancer is highly preventable when detected early, but deadly when ignored. It’s the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. And, there is a rise in early-onset colorectal cancer diagnosis—that’s the under-50 crowd.The lesson here is don’t leave your colon health to luck. If you have symptoms, changes in your bowel movements, a family history, or it’s just time to get things checked, trust your gut and get checked. Don’t put it off…colorectal issues are just too hard to stomach.
Here’s what some of the Lowcountry’s medical experts had to say:
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Matters of the Heart: Facts You Need to Know about Heart Attacks & Atrial Fibrillation
Matters of the heart are serious. More than any other female medical condition, heart disease is No. 1, and in this case, it is not a good thing. It is the No. 1 cause of stroke, disability, and death in women…and men. Once thought to be only a concern for men, women need to take heart when it comes to their heart health.
Is your body communicating signs or symptoms? Are you paying attention? These Pink Prescriptions’ heart-healthy answers to our questions, provided by local cardiology experts, are the facts. Educate yourself! Do not ignore the signs! Talk to your care provider and ask questions. It’s your health, and when it comes to matters of the heart, it is as serious as a heart attack. Read on to learn more.
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Let's Talk Eye to Eye: Local Eye Surgeons Address Common Vision Concerns
Eye exams at every age and life stage can help keep your vision strong. About 11 million Americans over age 12 need vision correction—but it’s just one of the reasons to get your eyes examined. Regular eye exams are also an important part of finding eye diseases early and preserving your vision. Early treatment is critically important to prevent some common eye diseases from causing permanent vision loss or blindness. Of the estimated 93 million US adults at high risk for vision loss, only half visited an eye doctor in the past 12 months. Regular eye care can have a life-changing impact on preserving the vision of millions of people.
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Diabetes isn't Sweet! Are You One of the 134 Million Americans at Risk?
Sugar has infiltrated the American diet, and it is winning. Pre-diabetes and diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes is at an all-time high—truly epidemic proportions. Diabetes is a brutal disease which affects your entire body. It can be lurking in your bloodstream wreaking havoc on your vital organs and you don’t even know it. However, in the midst of this out-of-control, all-out war with this avoidable dreaded disease, there are new breakthroughs here to save the day and maybe even your life. We needed to know more about diabetes, and what better time than in November—American Diabetes Month? Our power lies within understanding how this disease works, what it does to our bodies, and what we can do to stay healthy. That’s why we asked local experts to help us out climb out of the “sugar bowl” and onto the “dinner plate” of good health.
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Spot the Clot Blood Clots: Pulmonary Embolism, DVT & Aneurysm
The scary part of clots in the blood, whether it be a pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis or aneurysm, is not only are they dangerous, they can also be sneaky. They lurk in our veins and often times offer no symptoms. When they finally reveal themselves, it can be too late. The best defense against any type of blood clots is paying attention to even little changes in your body—new aches or pains, swelling, redness, or generally not feeling well. If you have concerns, be sure to see your healthcare provider. The good news is knowledge gives you power, and understanding the risks and symptoms of blood clots may help if you ever suspect one lurking in your own veins. That’s why we asked local experts to tell us more.
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Show Your Body Some Love: Knowledge is Power When it Comes to Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Fibroid Tumors
A woman’s health can be complicated, especially when it comes to the complex and intricate reproductive system. While this is the place in a woman’s body where miracles happen, it is also a place where things can go very wrong. We are addressing a few of these maladies this month, learning more about Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer and Fibroid Tumors. Knowledge is power, and we encourage you to read on to learn what local experts have to teach us about these conditions.
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Get Back on Track When it Comes to Your Urinary Tract Infections and Incontinence: Help is on the Way
When it comes to your urinary tract, it is important to stay on the right track! Not only can urinary issues cause pain, infection, and the breakdown of tissue, they can also cause unwanted leaking and diminish your quality of life. Fortunately, there are ground-breaking, new and exciting treatments that can put incontinence and recurring infections in their place and put your urinary tract back on the right track! We asked two local physicians, who help patients resolve these issues every day, to share their knowledge with us. Be prepared to learn something new; we sure did. The best news, though, there is help…and it can work!
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8 Hours Seem Like a Dream? A Good Night's Rest is Within Reach!
Most of us treasure that time of the night when we crawl into bed, pull up the covers, turn off the lights and snooze into dreamland. Unfortunately for some, bedtime is battling time. A full-on fight begins to try to get comfortable, stop tossing and turning, and finally doze off. For those who have trouble sleeping, bedtime can be dreadful, and morning even worse. Sleep is imperative for good health. While sleeping, the body performs a number of repairing and maintaining processes that affect nearly every part of the body. So, when your sleep becomes deprived, truly your whole body—and mind—suffer. Because of its importance, we had questions about sleep. That’s why we asked the professionals to help us get a good night’s rest.
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Get Adjusted! Chiropractic Care is for You.
There’s so much more to chiropractic care than a bad back. Chiropractic is a licensed health care profession that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself. Often people turn to chiropractic care when pain is involved, but the key to staying flexible and minimizing pain for a lifetime may be in seeking chiropractic care on a regular basis to prevent problems from occurring while maintaining proper working joints—even when you’re not in pain. We asked our local experienced chiropractors questions readers are curious about. Read on to learn more.
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Female Problems Four Issues to Talk to Your Gynecologist About
As if dealing with a monthly period isn’t bad enough, there are conditions some women experience that make matters worse. Almost everyone dreads
“that time of the month” but having a regular menstrual cycle is a good sign.
There are many things that can go wrong whether you’re trying to
get pregnant or not. This month our local medical experts chime in
on four of the most common reasons women experience
menstrual irregularity, severe cramps and pain, and infertility.
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The Sex Talk: You've Got Questions..We've Got Answers
I used to love sex, but now it’s painful. What can I do to revive my sex life?
If your sex life went from “Oh my!” to “Oh no!” there are a few common reasons and ways to try to revive the connection. Childbirth and pregnancy change the vagina and can result in painful sex for at least the first year after delivery. The weight of the uterus during pregnancy stresses the pelvic floor and can cause weakness and lack of support. This can change the angle of the vaginal canal and clitoris, which then changes sensation for both partners. If the beautiful new baby came through the vaginal route, there can be resulting tears or episiotomies which can cause long term scar tissue and pain during sex. Even C-section moms have changes in the pelvic floor due to the pressure of the baby’s weight during pregnancy. Imagine this change happening to the pelvic floor with multiple pregnancies over the years, the results are compounding and can create lack of sensation, pain with penetration and urinary incontinence.
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Americans Run on Sugar and Caffeine and it Shows
Increased work hours and waistlines, less home cooked meals and even less sleep, all result in an increased intake of caffeine and sugar. It’s a vicious cycle. The average American consumes 17 teaspoons of sugar and about 135 mg of caffeine every day. While most are doing pretty good staying under the daily maximum limit for caffeine (read below for details), we are killing ourselves with sugar. However, if you’ve developed a daily habit of energy drinks, you’re not doing yourself any favors with caffeine, either. We wanted to find out the toll caffeine and sugar are taking on our health, so we went to the experts, and here’s what they had to say:
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Take Heart: Heart Disease is the No. 1 Killer of Women
Matters of the heart are serious, especially when it comes to heart disease—the most serious disease today for women of all ages to pay close attention. In all its elements, more than any other female medical condition, heart disease is No. 1, and in this case, that’s not a good thing. It’s the No. 1 cause of stroke, disability and death in both men and women. Once thought to be only a concern for men, women need to take heart when it comes to their heart health.
Is your waist size creeping up? Are you eating more healthy foods than processed foods on a daily basis? Is your sweet tooth out of control? Is your body communicating any signs or symptoms? Are you paying attention? These Pink Prescriptions’ heart healthy answers to our questions, provided by our local panel of neuro and cardiology experts, are the facts. Please read on, and then, tear these two pages out to post to your corkboards and refrigerators as life-saving, heart reminders.
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NO-besity! Now is the Time to Lose the Weight
There is one thing for sure when it comes to obesity: It is not good for you! While the fashion industry and pop-culture are starting to veer away from stick-thin models, the “big” trend is swaying to meet its over-sized consumers, but that doesn’t mean being over-sized is healthy. Fact is, obesity is a leading contributor of almost every disease, from diabetes to heart disease, to high blood pressure to joint pain. The great news is any amount of weight loss—even 5-percent of your body weight—may help the possible invasion of disease recede!
Make 2023 your 5-percent year! Even if you weigh 200, all you have to lose is 10 pounds to help your body get a little healthier—literally less than a quarter pound per week. Find a program that fits you, one you will enjoy, and most importantly, that you can sustain. Don’t make this year about losing weight and then gain it back. It’s time to just lose it…because your health has so incredibly much to gain if you do!
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Do You Hear What I Hear?
Hearing is one of those things most of us take for granted. Unfortunately, most of us will eventually experience impaired, or at least dulled, hearing as we age. However, there are experts out there who can help us maintain our hearing for as long as possible. There is also good news in that hearing enhancements are getting better and more technologically advanced all the time. That’s not to say crank up the leaf blower and put your earbuds in, but keep reading, and you will find intriguing information about how to protect your hearing and what to do when people start asking, “Can you hear me now?”
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Get in the Bone Zone: Put Bone Health on Your Prevention Radar
Maintaining good health for your bones is recommended at every age. Moderate exercise and vitamin-rich nutrition can help keep your skeleton in tip-top condition. However, aging bones can weaken and, in severe cases, become brittle. Bone health is usually not thought about until there’s a problem. That’s why it’s time to put your bones on your prevention radar to help reduce your risk of breaking a bone, maintaining good posture and reducing aches and pains. We asked our doctors to get us started on taking care of our bones and share his knowledge about bone health with us. Read on to learn more.
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The Highs & Lows of Hormones
Hormones are essential to our overall health, but it can be difficult to keep them in balance. Too much of one hormone, or too little of another, can have a major impact on our well-being. As advocates for women, we decided to ask local experts for the best ways to handle these hormonal fluctuations to reach our optimum health goals!
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Gallbladder, Spleen and Appendix, Oh My! What they do, when to worry, and are they really non-vital?
There are several organs that our human bodies can live without, but we’re especially curious about three of them.
These mystery organs are a puzzlement to most of us. About the only time one hears about the gallbladder, spleen or appendix is
when someone is having it removed. What is the point of these seemingly unnecessary organs? How can they just be removed?
We asked the experts to clue us in and not spare any details.
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I Just Don’t Feel Right. Could it be my Thyroid?
You may not be able to point to your thyroid, but it controls many activities in your body, including how fast you burn calories and how fast your heart beats—pretty important things. However, the thyroid seems to be a mystery gland that is not thought about until it begins to wreak havoc. Basically, when your thyroid is functioning properly, things we take for granted, like a good night’s sleep, regular bowel movements, controlled inner temps—not inappropriately hot or cold, are also functioning properly. Because an out-of-order thyroid can cause symptoms that are quite common, usually the thyroid is the last thing we point to as the culprit for our dis-ease and discomfort. That’s why we wanted to unlock the mystery behind this little gland in your neck that can make feeling good a real pain-in-the-neck! In order to learn more about the almighty thyroid, we asked our local experts to clue us in.
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Oh My Aching Back!
When it comes to back pain, words such as non-functioning, desperation, unbearable and horrifying are heard by back experts every day. Fact is, back pain can be some of the most severe pain a human may ever encounter. The good news—and there is good news—is much of it resolves in time by the body’s natural healing combined with the help of professionals like surgeons, physical therapists, acupuncturists, exercise physiologists and massage therapists. When it comes to back pain, all modalities are welcome if it leads to relief. If you, or a loved one, has experienced back pain, then you are well aware of the toll it takes on overall well-being and function. Bottom-line: Our backs are truly the back bone of our health. That’s why we asked local experts to radiate their knowledge to help us have healthier backs.
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Check in On Your Mental Health
During Mental Health Awareness Month this May,
It’s Never Been More Important to
Raise Awareness about Mental Health …
and the Importance of Seeking Help
Family Mental Health Check-In:
By Dr. Stephanie Jamison-Void, PhD
CEO, Jamison Consultants Integrated HealthCare Services
For more than 70 years, the month of May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month, helping to raise awareness of mental illness, mental health and behavioral health issues. This year, as the world still deals with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on both physical and mental health, the observance of Mental Health Awareness Month is particularly relevant, and increasingly important. Fact is, mental health experts have noted that the pandemic has led to a significant increase in people suffering with both anxiety and depression, as well as exacerbating existing mental health conditions in many individuals.
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