Skating Uphill - December 2024

Living a Healthy Lifestyle


“Is there anything more special
than true connection?”
— The Uphill Skater —

Everyone loves a big holiday hug, especially from friends and family you haven’t seen in a while. Hugs are extra special, and the surge of energy felt through this exchange is a powerful non-verbal way to connect. I love the sincerity of a tight, warm hug.

However, I also love those people who can fill you with warmth without even touching you, no hugs required. Their energy just seems to shift the load and lift the mood. I have friends who make me feel loved and cared for in a phone call, no less. There are people who have that gift of saying the right thing, doing the right thing, or giving just the right type of uplift with a simple word. 

My husband and I volunteer at a local rescue mission, and there is a lady, both there and in our church, who has this gift. Wouldn't you know her name is Ruth, which suits her perfectly. Somehow, she is able to put people at ease just by being in her company. She can start a conversation and you feel as if you have taken a mental deep breath. Her words are like gentle ripples of comfort.

This type of nurturing person understands and implements empathy. People instinctively know if you’re listening to them, comprehending the conversation, or even interested in what they are saying. However, the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of others expands into the realm of empathetic nurturing. These are persons who can put themselves into your shoes and truly feel what it may be like.

Not being able to empathize with others means you more than likely interact at a level where connection may be difficult. If you find yourself leaving parties, meetings, or dinners feeling left out or half-hearted, try to engage differently in future conversations. Put yourself in the space of a person with whom you are having a really deep conversation. Can you see their point of view? Do you understand that they hurt? Do you want to make their problems easier to bear? Or do you want to tell them how your problems are worse than theirs?

Pay attention to how you actually listen to others. And if you think for one minute you are fooling anyone by pretending to listen or care you are mistaken. People feel the difference, just like you do.

This is a good criteria for picking new friends or reconnecting with those who may be distant. People who listen with their heart and want to not only hear, but also feel what you are saying are easy to spot. Boy, do they ever make good friends, too. 

People who genuinely care for others are also loved by others. Think about your favorite folks to be around. These are the people who can help you feel like nothing is as bad as it seems. These are friends or family you can call and “ugly” cry with. A good listener who answers in a way that makes you know they actually heard you is the right kind of person to call your friend. 

This holiday season let this Christmas Carol get stuck in your mind: Do you hear what I hear? Give yourself the gift of truly connecting with the people you care about. Hug them extra tight. Listen from your heart. Reach out to those you know who may be alone, sad, or would love to just have a cup of coffee with you for an hour. Give the gift of your time, your heart, and your undivided attention and ignite the magic of empathy and the spirit of Christmas.


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Judith Lawrenson is a former Hilton Head Island resident who has a huge heart and is loved by all who meet her. She has served and volunteered with numerous charitable organizations while living in the Lowcontry making an impact wherever she went. She and her husband recently moved to the wild hills of West Virginia to be closer to grandchildren. Judith is an avid sailor, a retired reading resource specialist, and a children's TV host whose local show originated from the Boys and Girls' Club. Judith is also a long-time seeker of healthy, happy living and a lifestyle dedicated to service to others, balanced with love of God and love of self. Check out her blog for fun info, recipes and nutrition ideas, current updates on nearly everything in the world, and lots of comments and opinions.

Though I do tons of research, and have done so for many years, I am not a doctor and I share only my opinions. I enjoy research and subscribe to several magazines and publications and read up on all new trends. I hope you do, too!


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