Motivational Man: Robert Colson

Jacie Elizabeth Millen

One Bite at a Time

Motivational Man: Robert Colson

With the yearning to have unlimited reasons to be constantly doing something and creating the inconceivable, Robert Colson found the greatest love of his life—cooking. Cooking has been on the front burner of Robby’s mind since he was 4 years old. Propped up on a stool, eager to lick the spoon, Robby nestled next to his grandmother as she baked the simple joys in life. With the first bite of her famous chocolate cream pie, he was hooked.

You Can Do It! — Pink's Newest Monthly Self-help Journal Page! February 2021

Elizabeth Skenes Millen

Admitting You Are Wrong Can Be So Right

You Can Do It! — Pink's Newest Monthly Self-help Journal Page! February 2021

What’s so scary about being wrong? Will people think
you’re dumb, incompetent, less than? Perhaps being wrong will threaten your leadership skills, or diminish respect? These are valid fears because being wrong leaves us feeling vulnerable and
reveals we are not perfect.

Many people thrive on perfection and find being wrong something they can’t bear. According to author Kathryn Schultz, in her book Being Wrong, humans tend to tacitly assume (or loudly insist) they are right about almost everything. As such, she argues, that error is the fundamental human condition and should be celebrated as such. In other words, not only is it OK to be wrong, it’s human nature, though admitting it is not.

Pink Prescriptions - February 2021

It's All Pink

Living a Heart-y Life

Pink Prescriptions - February 2021

Everyone wants life to be fun, full and heart-y, which is easy when you’re healthy. But it’s hard to follow your heart when it’s sick. Heart disease is still the No.1 killer for both men and women in the US. However, with a little TLC, many risks associated with heart disease, heart attacks and strokes can be drastically reduced. The heart is our lifeline, without it we cease to be. It’s not difficult to take care of, so why not begin marching to your heart’s beat, and take the easy steps to be heart healthy? A healthy heart gives a heart-y life!

Skating Uphill - February 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - February 2021

“If you cannot hear your heart song, maybe you need to pay more attention
to your surroundings.” – The Uphill Skater

Happy Feet is a movie I have watched with my grandson more than once. It is about a little penguin who has no heart song. We know, of course, that all penguins have a heart song, right? Anyway, this little guy opened his beak to sing like the other penguins and sounded like a dying toad. But, boy, could he dance! He is ostracized because he can’t sing, but in the end, he is accepted and embraced because he stuck with it and was true to himself.

Parenting February 2021: Teaching Obedience

John Rosemond

Living With Children by John Rosemond

Parenting February 2021: Teaching Obedience

Q: I teach 3- and 4-year-olds in a childcare center in Australia. I always have a few difficult children in any group and the book in which you describe Alpha Speech [The Well-Behaved Child] has been very helpful. My disciplinary options are limited to separating a misbehaving child out of the group for a few minutes and talking, but I cannot isolate or take privileges away. Besides, it seems that the worst kids’ parents undo at home what we accomplish in the classroom. Some of them even side with their children when they misbehave. Meanwhile, we walk on eggshells when it comes to discipline so that a parent doesn’t file a complaint against us with child protection. What suggestions do you have for preschool teachers?

Reel Corner - February 2021

Donne Paine

Following My Heart to Stowe, Vermont!

Reel Corner - February 2021

If you recall movies like Funny Farm with Chevy Chase,  Baby Boom with Diane Keaton, The Cider House Rules, Beetlejuice, The Trouble with Harry (filmed entirely in Stowe), or Four Seasons... they were all filmed in Vermont.

Since new film releases have been few and far between during the pandemic, I thought I’d share what it’s like in the ski village of Stowe, Vermont, where these films were made.

You Can Do It! — Pink's Newest Monthly Self-help Journal Page!

Elizabeth Skenes Millen

Get Control of Your Habits

You Can Do It! — Pink's Newest Monthly Self-help Journal Page!

“Habits are more about who you’re being than what you’re doing,” says NY Times bestselling author of the Badass Series, Jen Sincero in her just released Badass Habits. If that doesn’t feel like cold water thrown in your face, I don’t know what does. It’s the New Year and no resolution or goal can be met without identifying the habits that are keeping you from achieving your wants, needs and desires. In the last year, we all have developed a backbone strong enough to get real with ourselves. You can’t change your behavior to aspire to new goals if you don’t change your habits—the pesky routines on autopilot that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. You don’t mean to be working against yourself, but your bad habits sure do.

Horoscopes by Holiday: January 2021

Holiday Mathis

Lunar Grand Trine Kicks Off Month of Optimism

Horoscopes by Holiday: January 2021

Like a grand marshal waving in the first float of the parade, a grand lunar trine kicks off this month on a high note with expectations of ascending tones. A procession of ever-more impressive happenings is on display for anyone inclined to give them attention. Mars will change signs and people begin to relate differently, seeking a connection between their experience and the experience of others.

Read on for your horoscope...

Pink Prescriptions - January 2021

It's All Pink

Be in the Know About Winter Illnesses

Pink Prescriptions - January 2021

January can get you down with more than the blues. It’s the month down South when the cold really kicks in, and brings with it common winter illnesses such as cold, flu and respiratory infections. Ugh! These winter woes can make you feel terrible. That’s why it’s important to know as much as you can about how to avoid and rapidly cure these sneezing, coughing, stuffy, achy, miserable ailments. 

Skating Uphill - January 2021

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - January 2021

My first job when I went to back to work after 11 years home with my two children was as a substitute teacher. I lasted about three months and hated it. It was the worst thing I had ever done. There are some things you just can’t substitute and teachers are one of them. Either I fell in love with the class and then had to leave right away, or I really did not like the class and the teacher was out for weeks. I couldn’t win. I feel the same about many things we call substitutes. It’s not the real thing, and that’s a fact. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it just doesn’t.

Parenting January 2021: Taking Back Your Parental Power

John Rosemond

Living With Children by John Rosemond

Parenting January 2021: Taking Back Your Parental Power

Q: We have a 10-year-old daughter who runs our family. We allowed her to begin dictating to us when she began talking and it’s just gone slowly downhill ever since. She manipulates us with shrieking tantrums, disrespect, and downright refusal to do what we tell her to do. We must have done something right, however, because she gets nothing but praise and compliments from teachers, coaches, and her peers’ parents. We can hardly believe they are describing the same child. Is it too late to turn this around? If not, what should we do? We’re desperate.

Horoscopes by Holiday: December 2020

Holiday Mathis

Final Solar Trine of the Year Goes to Mars

Horoscopes by Holiday: December 2020

The sun is in its send-off phase of the wild ride of 2020. Dec. 10 brings the final solar trine of the year, and the sun has chosen Mars, the warrior, in fully armored Aries. It’s a bright push of aggressive energy, like the charge of battle or a surge of war cries, each led by its own conquering spirit. Now, where should this mighty power be directed? The enemy is our own resistance to evolving.

Read on for your horoscope...

Pink Prescriptions - December 2020

E. Ronald Finger, M.D.

We asked the Surgeon: What are the most requested plastic surgery procedures?

Pink Prescriptions - December 2020

Toxins: The most common procedure performed in the world of plastic surgery today would be toxins such as Botox or Dysport. These actually paralyze muscles, such as the muscles that cause frown lines, crow’s feet, forehead furrows and even bunny lines on the nose. It’s even used to raise the brow and the corners of the mouth. They specifically and temporarily interrupt the nerve supply to the injected muscles.

Fillers: Next would be “fillers,” which are products used to re-volumize areas on the face that have lost volume with aging or weight loss, such as cheeks and hollows under the eyes and even chin and jaw line. Juvederm and Restylane are examples. These can be very effective at turning back the clock non-surgically. A comparison is a deflated beach ball. Inflate it, and it no longer sags.

Skating Uphill - December 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - December 2020

As many of you know, I subscribe to a variety of magazines, and I’m not liking what I’m reading. Both this and last month almost all of them are advising what I call shutting down, even from my very special favorite people Joanna Gaines and Dr. Oz, for heaven’s sake! Be quiet, snuggle up, curl up by a fire, long winter’s nap and on and on. How absolutely depressing! If you think you are going to get that kind of advice from me, think again. I am advocating just the opposite.

I love December, Christmas and all that goes with it, and I intend to keep as much of it as I can. My Husband and I had planned a gathering for a group of us who all volunteer at a thrift shop, but it got canceled. We had two other parties—also canceled. Just so you know, I am putting up all of the decorations I had planned on anyway. We were the first people in the neighborhood to have our lights up, and the day after Thanksgiving we went out and got our tree. And, I am wearing my Santa hat instead of one of those grey knit things, too. I need to keep my ears warm and this works just fine. Bah and Humbug are not welcome this year!

Parenting December 2020: Parenting Exhaustion Is Not Affirmation Of Parenting Excellence

John Rosemond

Living With Children by John Rosemond

Parenting December 2020: Parenting Exhaustion Is Not Affirmation Of Parenting Excellence

Q: We sent our daughter a recent article of yours hoping it might cause her to rethink her approach to raising our grandson. It was not well-received and she is no longer speaking to us. The child, age four, is quite ill-behaved. Our daughter makes one excuse after another for him: he was premature, he was hospitalized at age three and now has PTSD, he might have a biochemical imbalance, and so on. We feel that his real and only problem is lack of discipline. For example, when he’s with us, he’s perfectly well behaved. We love our grandson, but don’t like being around him when his parents are running the show. What should we do now?

Reel Corner - December 2020

Donne Paine

Top 20-20 of 200 Memorable Films

Reel Corner - December 2020

Hallmark Channel is well-known for its “Countdown to Christmas” and original family-friendly movies, and this year is no exception. Hallmark has announced 40 brand new Christmas movies for its 2020 holiday schedule! The movies will air on Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies and Mysteries.

Though Hallmark movies can be formulaic and simple, they are also free of profanity, sexual situations and heavy drama. They are movies you can watch with anyone from age 2 to 92.

There's a reason why the channel refers to itself as the Heart of TV; there is little ugliness to be found in these shows and movies. You can always find a smile on the faces of the characters, even though there may be some tears, as well. But there's not a lot of arguing or disagreements. What disappointment you find is often fleeting, as is the sadness, because Hallmark knows we watch to be uplifted. Hallmark Channel is, indeed, a happy place. And that's why it had a 9 percent growth last year alone.

Horoscopes by Holiday: November 2020

Holiday Mathis

Mercury Returns to Scorpio

Horoscopes by Holiday: November 2020

Like the large diamond found glistening on the ground in a state park, this month brings cosmic treasures we won’t have to dig for. Mercury returns to Scorpio promoting blunt honesty, then Jupiter and Pluto come together in an embrace of abundance. There is no need to go back in history or seek esoteric knowledge. Solutions are simple instead of profound and will be found through practical communications that go the usual depths.

Read on for your horoscope...

Pink Prescriptions - November 2020

It's All Pink

Acid Reflux & Heartburn

Pink Prescriptions - November 2020

If something is named heartburn, reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), it can’t be good. While usually not life-threatening, acid reflux, and all it’s monikers, definitely can threaten your quality of life. GERD has no respect for decadence on the dinner table, and no one wants to enjoy a delicious filet minion paired with a big, full-bodied glass of cabernet only to have to follow it up with plop, plop fizz, fizz as dessert. So what is GERD and how can you manage it? Read on to comfortably digest what our local medical experts have to say about this uncomfortable condition.

Skating Uphill - November 2020

Judith Lawrenson

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Skating Uphill - November 2020

I have been writing and talking about emotional, physical and mental health for quite a number of years, and you might think those things would be pretty constant. I mean good eats are good eats, right? Also, if you are on the ball and can do a cross word puzzle, you are pretty okay. If you don’t cry at the drop of a hat, and you aren’t hoarding automatic weapons, you should be pretty stable too, yes? Well, not so much.

First of all, food advice seems to change regularly with each new book that comes out, or every time Dr. Oz appears on the cover of a magazine. And, we all know from standing in line at the grocery how often we see him on the cover of everything! Spinach used to be really great for you, but now it has too much acid. Oranges are all right, but… acid! An apple a day used to keep the doctor away, but now it has to be an organic apple grown on a sustainable tree. I grew up on a farm, and we ate eggs. Now there are so many different kinds of eggs, it boggles the mind. Cage free, gently raised, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, more Omega-3s, and on and on. Honestly, and you know this, eggs range in price from less than a dollar a dozen to more than five dollars. It’s all a lot to keep up with.

Parenting November 2020: Let's Talk Tantrums

John Rosemond

Living With Children by John Rosemond

Parenting November 2020: Let's Talk Tantrums

As just about everyone who has lived with a child for more than two years knows, the most potentially dangerous thing one can say to a toddler is “no.” That single syllable strikes deep into the core of the reptilian portion of the toddler brain, arousing a reaction that dwarfs Godzilla’s most destructive rampage.

“Should I simply ignore my two-year-old’s tantrums?” a young mother asks.

 “Can you?”

She ponders that for a moment or two. “Not really.”

Ignoring is about as over-rated as it gets, especially when it comes to toddler tantrums. Nothing brings out a toddler’s inner Godzilla like being ignored. That same mother, for example, reported that when she ignored a tantrum, it quickly escalated into hitting, biting, and head-banging. If she began walking away, her live-in maniac would wrap himself around her leg, shrieking like a banshee.

Reel Corner - November 2020

Donne Paine

Top 20-20 of 200 Memorable Films

Reel Corner - November 2020

Congratulations Pink!
200 issues is quite an achievement,
and The Reel Corner has been honored to a part of all 200 issues.

There are some interesting facts about the number 200:
> A quarter of the world’s wealth is controlled by just 200 companies.
> 200 miles a day was the average daily distance covered by the Pony Express, the United States first east to west mail service
> There are only 200 white tigers in the world
> The Great Wall of China was built in 200 B.C.

Dr. Ardra Davis-Tolbert & Dr. Claude Tolbert

It's All Pink

He Said, She Said - New!

Dr. Ardra Davis-Tolbert & Dr. Claude Tolbert

Dr. Ardra Davis-Tolbert
& Dr. Claude Tolbert

Married: 24 years

Children: Two, ages 20 and 17

Dr. Ardra: Macon, GA 
Dr. Claude: Greenwood, SC

Dr. Ardra: Physician, specialty Obstetrician/Gynecologist
Dr. Claude: Physician, specialty Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Have delivered approximately how many babies:

Dr. Ardra: Around 2,000
Dr. Claude: Somewhere between 700 and 1,000

Motivational Man: Dr. Ronald Finger

Eddy Hoyle

Sage & Surgeon

Motivational Man: Dr. Ronald Finger

Have you ever met someone who radiates positivity, has a quick wit, and who simply oozes joy? Dr. Ronald Finger is a people-person whose optimism and authenticity has fashioned a people-magnet. He has a zest for life, and his driving force is his motivation to not only give 110%, but to live 110%.

At 81 years young, he says he is not even close to retiring from his plastic surgery practice, Finger & Associates, where he still gets 20-25 new patients each week. “Why would I retire from having fun?” he asked.

Pink Prescriptions - October 2020

It's All Pink

Anxiety & Depression

Pink Prescriptions - October 2020

There is no doubt almost everyone in the world has had a brush with stress this year. For many, daily living routines have become overwhelming, sparking a growing trend of sadness, anxiety and depression. In our modern-day world, where we flit here and there, overload our to-do lists, argue over every little thing and rarely relax without some type of electronic device, the rat-race now sets the pace many follow. That combined with Covid-19, elections, violence and social distancing—it’s no wonder feelings of panic and hopelessness are at an all-time high. However, there is help. We asked our local health professionals to weigh-in on anxiety and depression to help us understand what it is, how it affects us and what we can do about it.