Helping 20-somethings When They Return to the Nest
Can you recall when "home" stopped referring to where your parents live and started applying to where you live? If you're like a lot of people, it didn't happen overnight. The idea of home was tied, at least in part, to your sense of independence - both financial and emotional. It's a gradual process. And no matter how old you are, it's always a comfort to know that "home" isn't too far away if you need it.
This has never been truer for young people today who are flocking back to the nest in greater numbers. In fact, by some accounts, more than half of 20-somethings live with their parents or guardians at some point; it has practically become a part of the passage into adulthood. And it makes sense.
The economy is on shaky ground and the price of basic necessities like food and gas are on the rise. In many metropolitan areas, the cost of rent is also increasing. For recent grads and other young adults, moving home for a while can be a ray of sunshine in a gloomy economy and a great step toward financial independence. For parents, it can be a great way to cement your relationship with your young adult, while providing them some real-world money skills.