20 Years of July Pink Covers!

July 2024 Issue
20 Years of July Pink Covers!

The colorful masterpieces featured on Pink's cover each month are one of the signature features of our magazine. Created by artists from down the street to across the world, the chosen artwork is carefully procured to set the tone for the monthly theme and bring the issue alive.

In celebration of our 20 year anniversary, we'll be bringing you 20 covers each month to enjoy and reminisce!

Fun Facts About Our July Covers:

• The July 2004 cover was Candace Whittemore Lovely's debut Pink Cover. Little did we know, this would be the first of 11 covers Candace's artwork has graced! Three of her covers are featured here.

• The July 2010 cover by Herb Weigant features only one half of an enormous painting that spans the entire body length of the diver.

• The July 2023 cover's vibrant artwork by Lori Portka has multiple hidden kitties in it. Log onto itsallpink.com to see the cover in full and see if you can find them!


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