Healthy Habits

It’s Time to Take Care of Yourself

LowcountryOriginals0722 Cover
September 2022 Issue

There are many healthy choices that can make your life better, however, when you turn even one healthy choice into a habit, your wellness can begin to soar. Most people have no idea how much better they could feel—mind, body and spirit—if they only incorporated a few, small, healthy changes into their daily routine. Hands down, health is the greatest wealth there is, and everyone has the ability to make good choices for their best—or at least better—health.

Honestly, we’re being a bit bullish about this. We want to push you, albeit gently, toward living your best life through developing healthy habits that make your well-being a priority. From the list we brainstormed of possible healthy habits, we narrowed our focus to what we consider the top six that will make a profound difference in well-being. They are eating, exercising, life-balance, positive thinking, meditation and journaling.

We don’t expect you to adopt them all at once, but we’re pretty sure you will be inspired by the women we chose to represent each category. These are just regular women—your neighbors— who decided to make self-care a priority and stick to it. After reading their stories and insight, we hope you will decide to work towards developing some healthy changes. Before you know it, you’ll have your own healthy habits and be on your way to feeling great—both inside and out!

Check Out these Local Ladies and Their Healthy Habits:
> Alexandra Hursey
Healthy Habit: Healthy Eating

> Nikki Wright
Healthy Habit: Exercise

> Nivia Weitzner
Healthy Habit: Balance

> Jessica Caruso Brophy
Healthy Habit: Positive Thinking

> Brenda Whitlow Craig
   Healthy Habit: Meditation

> Marybeth Whalen
   Healthy Habit: Journaling