
Hissy Fit - July 2024 - Cover Your Ass: Butt Why?

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - July 2024 - Cover Your Ass: Butt Why?

Have you been to the beach lately? As part of my “summering” that I promised to do in last month’s Publisher’s Note, I recently enjoyed a beautiful, relaxing day at Coligny Beach on Hilton Head Island.
Though the ocean delivered as promised—the gentle waves, the balmy breeze, the healing salt water—humanity flooded the shore amidst its own storm. The girls in particular.

We need to have a discussion. In fact, I have had many discussions since my sunny beach day about the giant elephant in the room—female bathing suits that show girls’ entire bums. That’s right, a thong right up the crackadoodle with both butt cheeks fully exposed to every person on the beach. We used to call this “mooning” and it was illegal. I don’t know what to call it now. Normal?


Publisher - June 2024

Publisher - June 2024

“Serve the dinner backwards, do anything—
but for goodness sake, do something weird.”
— Elsa Maxwell (1883-1963)

I’ve always thought it silly and pretentious to use a season as a verb, such as: “We’ll be wintering in Palm Beach”; or “We summer on the Cape every year.” Funny, I just noticed that it only works for those two seasons. One can’t exactly exclaim, “We’ll be falling along the Appalachian Trail”, and expect people not to worry or administer a breathalyzer. You don’t really want to spring anywhere either…there are products for that. Plus, it changes the entire connotation, draining with it all panache. My point to this grammar lesson is this: I’m giving myself permission to summer!


Hissy Fit - June 2024 - Discounted Social Graces? So Cheap and Yet So Costly

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - June 2024 - Discounted Social Graces? So Cheap and Yet So Costly

People allow themselves to get away with less than desirable behavior by stating it's “2024” like that gives the human race a hall pass.
What does a year have to do with being a good human, raising good humans, and behaving like a good human? Nothing, that’s what..

For those of you who discount social graces to the times we are in right now, I have to ask, why? It’s alright with you for people to be nonchalant, even rude, putting no effort into doing their part as decent citizens? When did standards get so low, so as not even to expect people to do the right thing?


Publisher - May 2024

Publisher - May 2024

“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.
That’s what the storm is all about.” —Haruki Murakami

People are exhausted by life right now. As I feel the heaviness pulling on my spirit, I am becoming more resolute about what I want, and even more so about what I don’t want.

I am beginning to deeply grasp the grave reality that life is short, which urges me to make the days of my life filled with meaning, joy, and happiness. If you feel the same way I do, we have to figure out what to incorporate into our daily living to feel alive and joyful. More importantly, and perhaps the first step, is to decipher what we need to eliminate from our daily living (or mindset) to lift the load?


Hissy Fit - May 2024 - Love is… Not Doing Everything For Your Children

...because everyone needs one every once in awhile

Hissy Fit - May 2024 - Love is… Not Doing Everything For Your Children

While we may not all be mothers, we all have a mother, even if she is no longer living or not in the picture because of reasons or circumstances. Some moms are wonderful, though “wonderful” is defined through each individual’s eyes. Some think it’s wonderful their mom’s known as the “cool” mom, while others can literally smell the homemade chocolate chip cookies their mom always has ready with a tuned-in, compassionate ear when life gets tough.

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