Skating Uphill - September 2019
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Fall into Inspiration &
Change Like the Leaves!
– The Uphill Skater –
Hey, new season! Better weather, fall clothes and no more summer reruns… and I don’t mean TV! Let’s get revved up to bust out and get inspired to move toward some better goals and different daily living. General good health and that desired, sought after healthy life style might need to be taken out and dusted off, right? Let’s try some ideas that may resonate and lead to a much better Fall.
My first suggestion is one that has really worked for me. Try (nothing radical) to do something you already do, but do it in a different way. This takes many forms. It could be something as simple as trying different tops with the same pants, or doing your hair in a different way without color or a cut. This is one I picked: I have stopped coloring my hair (gray is in) and I have put up a different style with my old cut. Yes, it worked, offering just a bit of a different look. But, if you really want change, enlist your hairstylist for help.
How about taking your routine walk in a different location? How about learning something new? Yes, again, I decided to try to learn a hand craft, and I have learned how to crochet. This may not seem like much to you crafty people, but it was a huge for me. I have never done anything like it, and I am loving making pot holders for no one until I learn to do something better.
Next suggestion—FOOD! Once in this column I suggested you try one new food a week. I had plenty of positive reader feedback regarding that suggestion. That’s why I am suggesting it again, but in a slightly different way. Try a meatless day. I just finished reading Meatless Monday by Linda McCartney, and there were some fabulous ideas. Indulge in just fresh vegetables and fruits on Meatless Monday. One of the best burgers I’ve ever had was a black bean burger. However, if you can’t bare the thought, there are many “meaty” meatless products to try—burgers, sausages, chicken bites and so on. Just try one. I prefer the Morning Star Farms brand, which is a part of the Kellogg’s Company. They have a wide range of health-conscious products. Also, while changing up the food note, try a different ingredient in an old recipe? Something as simple as salmon substituted for tuna in a tuna salad recipe makes a good change. How about field greens for lettuce, or bulgur for rice? Just change it up a little bit and give yourself a fresh start. You might find it interesting.
Finally, I am going to ask you to do something regular but in a different way. I do not mean to walk up the beach instead of down, but get in the car and drive to a park. I walk my dog every day, and we usually stay in our neighborhood, but yesterday I drove up the road about 10 minutes to a really great walking path I had not even known was there. I looked up “places to walk/pet friendly” on Google and found many places near to me to my surprise. I never knew about these places simply because I had not looked.
Try a one-month membership at a new gym. Most gyms will offer this without the sign up fee. My husband and I tried this and looked at a gym with an indoor pools. We went back to our old gym in the end because we had always thought we wanted to swim, and it actually turned out we did not, so the extra money was not worth it to us.
Now let’s look in a different direction and try a bit of a different look clothing. I live in jeans and a blouse but I am looking at perhaps a dress or skirt for a change. I seem to be seeing a lot more women and girls in skirts lately. I think I might have missed something but I am not sure yet.
I know I said finally, but as an afterthought, how about a cultivating a new friend? Join a different book club, try a new bridge group or walking group from your neighborhood or gym, or look online for cooking lessons or a pottery studio near you. Try a different church if you are feeling numb or unmoved. Branch out a bit and check it out.
Get inspired! Look around you for things that are not working for you, or not making you happy, and make some changes. All of this is as much a part of living a healthy lifestyle as anything else you may do. Personal satisfaction is one of the keys to good health!
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Look at my blog and maybe you will want to try it yourself!
Judith Lawrenson is a former Hilton Head Island resident who has a huge heart and is loved by all who meet her. She has served and volunteered with numerous charitable organizations while living in the Lowcontry making an impact wherever she went. She and her husband recently moved to the wild hills of West Virginia to be closer to grandchildren. Judith is an avid sailor, a retired reading resource specialist, and a children's TV host whose local show originated from the Boys and girls Club. Judith is also a long time seeker of healthy, happy living and a lifestyle dedicated to service to others balanced with love of God and love of self. Check out her BLOG for fun info, recipes and nutrition ideas, current updates on nearly everything in the world, and lots of comments and opinions.