Bee Pollen

What's All the Buzz?

BeePollen 0918

September 2018 Issue
by Lindsay Gifford

Golden, thick, and sweet, honey is a staple in many of my favorite dishes. I’ve recently learned about the variety of flavors and healthy benefits that make raw, hand-poured honey a nutritional superstar. Little did I know, honey has a mysterious counterpart that many healers have been using for centuries—bee pollen—and it’s becoming all the rage. So, I headed over to my favorite honey shop, Capital Bee Company (CBCo) in Savannah, to find out why it’s all the buzz.

What Is Bee Pollen?
It’s one of the richest natural foods ever discovered. Bee pollen is a granule created from pollen dust of flower blossoms. The incredible nutritional and medicinal value of pollen has been known for thousands of years and is known as nature’s most complete food.

How is it Created?
CBCo owner Thomas Hinley gave me a run down on how pollen is made: As honey bees fly though the air, their fuzzy bodies create static. When they light on a flower, pollen sticks to their legs. As they travel in search of nectar from flower to flower, pollen is deposited all along the way, making them expert pollinators. Honey bees collect the pollen dust from their legs and roll it into balls, called granules, made of millions of pollen spores. These granules hitch a ride on their legs, and when the bees return to the hive, a pollen trap collects the granules.

It’s a Super Food:
• Bee Pollen contains many nutrients, including all of those necessary for human survival.
• Bee pollen is approximately 40% protein containing 22 amino acids.
• Bee pollen provides more than a dozen vitamins, 11 enzymes, 14 beneficial fatty acids,
11 carbohydrates, and all 28 minerals, along with the full spectrum of vitamins, and hormones.

Look to the Hive to Thrive
The Benefits of Bee Pollen

Treating Allergies: Pollen reduces the presence of histamine, alleviating many allergies.

Energy Enhancer: The range of nutrients like Vitamins B-6 and B-12, plus the abundance of protein found within bee pollen makes it a great natural energizer.

Cardiovascular Support: Bee pollen helps strengthen capillaries, blood vessels, circulation and cholesterol. Its potent anti-clotting powers may help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Reduces Inflammation & Asthma: Bee pollen contains a high quantity of antioxidants that may have an anti-inflammatory effect, which particularly helps with asthma.

Digestive System: Bee pollen contains enzymes that can aid in digestion and help with absorption of ingredients.

Immune System Booster: Pollen is good for intestinal flora and supports the immune system with probiotics, creating a balance that will boost your immune system and launch you into a more energetic, vibrant state of life.

Treats Addictions: Bee Pollen suppresses impulses, particularly when it comes to weight management and food cravings.

Skin Soother:
Bee pollen is often used in topical products that aim to treat inflammatory conditions and common skin irritations.

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Fun Fact:
The phrase “the bees knees” emerged in the early 20th century and was used as slang to describe something outstanding. The theory is the phrase is related to the pollen carried around bee’s knees, especially considering bee pollen is a potent natural granule with outstanding health benefits.

Fun Fact:
Along with its numerous benefits, bee pollen is most widely known for helping with allergies. Naturally, local pollen combats local allergies the best. “In order for CBCo’s bee pollen to be the most effective, they combine granules the bees collected from both South Carolina and Georgia wildflowers. Since we collect it locally, it’s great for local allergies, along with the additional health benefits it has to offer,” said Thomas.

Proof is in the Pollen:
“We have a lot of customers who absolutely love taking bee pollen on a daily basis. I usually take it each morning plain and wash it down with water, but the taste isn’t for everyone. For those who aren’t crazy about the flavor, I suggest mixing it into a smoothie, yogurt or cereal…” said CBCo partner Kristen Harkleroad.

Kristen shared that recently one of her vendors was visiting the store and was obviously stuffed up, complaining about how she’d been that way for nearly three weeks. Kristen told her to give bee pollen a try and within three days received a text proclaiming bee pollen is magical and her stuffiness was almost gone.

After exploring the wondrous benefits of bee pollen, it’s easy to see why bee pollen’s popularity is booming. I intend to add it to my morning ritual because who doesn’t need an extra kick to tackle the day. Oh, and I would be remiss if I didn’t leave you with a plea to “save the bees!”

**Disclaimer: The information related in this article should not be considered medical advice. Bee pollen should not be consumed by anyone breast-feeding, or under the age of 4.

Capital Bee Company’s honey boutique is located at 421 East Broughton Street in Savannah, GA. They carry more than 15 varieties of raw, hand-poured honey, honeycomb, bee pollen, and a great selection of gifts and decor. To purchase bee pollen, or for more information, stop by, logon to or call 912-335-7263.

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