Tracy Robinson

Passing on the Positive


On a hot summer day in Beaufort, the YMCA is buzzing with activity. Kids run and shout around the outdoor pool; summer camp is in session, and to top it all off, Tracy Robinson is making the rounds, calling out greetings and encouragement at the top of her lungs. As the front desk and volunteer coordinator, her duties are wide-ranging. But the way she looks at it, her main function is to keep things positive and keep people smiling-members, non-members, employees and anyone else who might walk through that front door.

"I'm pretty much your all-around girl here," said Tracy, who has worked at the "Y" for eight years and plans to retire there. "I try to help out in any way possible, and at the end of the day, I know I've done all I could. I truly do like my job a lot."

Tracy first got involved in the YMCA ten years ago when she was working, finishing her degree, and raising six boys as a single mother (wow). Three of her sons were enrolled in the after-school program, and when she came to pick them up, she started to get to know some of the employees. One day, someone offered her a job and she was overjoyed.

"The Lord was like, okay, I'm just going to go ahead and make all this happen for her," said Tracy, who served in the military for eight years before having a family. She firmly believes that the "Y" brings an extremely important element to the community, providing a place for people of all ages to come use the recreational facilities. Children feel safe and comfortable there, she says, and are able to meet and interact with other children while engaging in healthy activities such as aquatics, athletics, arts & crafts, nature walks and science camps.

Education has always been extremely important to Tracy, and she is proud to say that three of her sons are in college, two have finished already and the youngest is still in high school. Her decision to be a single parent was a willful one, a choice that took a lot of courage but spared her children the agony of having to be around parents that didn't get along.

"Having six boys and dealing with six different personalities, it has truly been a journey," said Tracy, who now has two grandsons as well. "There were times when we felt like we weren't going to make it, but I laid the groundwork for them and now I feel so proud that sometimes it overwhelms me."

Her personal experience has given Tracy a unique insight and ability to relate to other single parents, many of whom might be struggling to make ends meet. Part of her job is making them aware of the financial assistance and program scholarships that are available to them.

"I have people come in here and play the pity party because they are single parents," said Tracy. "But I'm the last person you want to do that with because I've been there, done that. Okay, that's your situation, now let's look at what we're going to do. Let's look at scholarships and financial assistance. I tell them to stay positive, keep a smile on their face and have faith, and then I try to help them any way I can."

Up Close

Hometown: Port Royal, SC Mother of: Ramon, 30, Kevin, 25, Chris, 24, Travis, 21, Marcus, 18, and Jeremy, 15 Other job: On Sundays she manages the fitness center at Hilton Head Country Club in Hilton Head Plantation. Hobbies: reading, cycling, talking to senior citizens and being a "closet gourmet" Favorite books: any that combine history and comedy with a heavy dose of romance Three words to describe herself: fun, happy and outgoing Pipe dream: start a teen center at the YMCA Words to live by: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."- Philippians 4:13