Janie Lackman
Hear Me Roar
Hometown: Chadds Ford, PA
Lives on: Fripp Island
Career/Place of Business:
LowCountry Habitat for Humanity
What is something that excites you right now? I’m so blessed to have both a career and a volunteer role that excite me. At LowCountry Habitat for Humanity, I am thrilled at the progress we are making on our latest home build—the Brays Home in Seabrook and can’t wait to see the Tucker family in their new home! Working with and getting to know the families who benefit from our program is an amazing experience.
As a volunteer Project Leader for the Fripp Island Sea Turtle Program, I’m anxiously anticipating the start of the 2017 Sea Turtle Nesting Season. This season will provide some new challenges for our loggerheads with the loss of habitat on our islands, but I’m looking forward to seeing how these awesome animals adapt.
What is the best idea you’ve had lately? LEGOs! I found a new way to play with LEGOS at work with LowCountry Habitat’s new LEGO House Build outreach project. We will be setting up booths in the community at local events to host LEGO House Build contests. This is a super FUN way to interact with kids in our community and share the mission of Habitat, plus we get to play with LEGOs.
If you could time travel, where would you go and what would you do? I’d like to meet my Grandfather, Aubry, who was a pilot and died while on a mission in WWII. I have always wondered what it would be like to spend time with him.
Something I take too seriously is… my dog’s schedule. My foxhound rescue, Rainey, has more social engagements than I do. She has multiple dog walker friends, play dates and appointments. I’m always running home to make sure my Rain is doing OK and she has to have her 5-mile evening stroll.
If there were no rules/laws for a day, I would: Go to Disney World or just stay on Fripp, relaxing with my Rainey girl.
One thing I need to start doing is… Sleeping better, but this isn’t going to happen with turtle season around the corner.
I want less of... the polarization that exists in our community today. Our world has so many issues but only by working together will we ever find the answers. Why can’t we all just play nice in the sandbox of life?
What would your friends say is unique about you? Phoned a friend for input on this question. She said my sense of compassion and empathy that drive my actions.
I want to be remembered for... This isn’t something I really worry about. I love the Emerson quote about success and try to live with this in mind: “To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
What’s the coolest thing you’ve seen in nature? Turtles, turtles and more turtles! If I had to name just one experience since I’ve been spending turtle obsessed summers, I’d say the 2016 nest 76 mama turtle experience. On Sunday July 3rd, 2016, our north turtle team came upon a mama turtle that was just beginning to nest. We were able to watch the entire experience in broad daylight from digging the nest to laying the 121 eggs to the slow crawl back to the ocean when she was done—quite a treat since loggerhead turtles typically nest at night. We had a front row, DAYLIGHT view of the entire magical process.
When is the last time you danced?
Does dancing with your dog on the beach in the moonlight count? If not, then I’d have to say at the Dave Matthews Band Concert last summer—at least that ‘s the last time with people.
I am currently roaring about…
the need for everyone to take a stand regarding the injustices and problems in our society. Politicians and agencies don’t make policy; we do, through our voices. Every person has a duty to stand up for those who can’t do so for themselves, and this includes looking out for our future generations. Affordable housing, conservation and other issues, it is all up to you to make a difference. Are you up for the challenge?