Healthy Habits - Ryanne Goneke

Healthy Habit: Getting into Nature

HH RyanneGoneke 0323March 2023
Photography (top) by Cassidy Dunn Photography

Ryanne Goneke
Healthy Habit: Getting into Nature

Passion: Living a health conscious lifestyle and empowering women to live big, successful lives.
Career: REALTOR with Keller Williams Realty
Family: Husband, Scott Goneke and two boys Parker (10) and Liam (7)

You are a nature girl. When did the great outdoors
become an important part of your life? 

I remember being a kid and always playing outside with no shoes on because I just preferred to feel the ground under my feet. I loved building forts in the woods and staying out until the street lights came on. As a young adult, I started running on Sundays with my Dad, which to this day, is still one of my favorite outdoor weekend traditions.

How has your dedication to nature impacted your life and well-being?
I honestly did not realize until I was much older how healing and powerful Mother Nature truly is. I feel the most connected to myself when I’m outdoors, and get a sense of clarity on things that fog my mind. As crazy as it sounds, I feel called to be in nature when I am trying to sort things out or make big decisions.

You, like many women, have a thriving career, a marriage and two boys. How do you find the time to stay true to your adventurous spirit?
My family and my colleagues understand that being adventurous feeds my soul and creative spirit, so when I get cranky or stuck, they fully support me taking off on a whim and hitting the trails. And, my family enjoys being adventurous with me, which really fills my cup!

What would you say to encourage others to include
nature in their daily/weekly routines? 

I recently started working on getting in 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day which helps me to get outside on days I wouldn’t get outside otherwise. Starting with a small change in your habit is the way to create big results in the future. So take walks, find new spots on the weekend to explore, and plan vacations around some outdoor activities.

Do you believe being in nature has a direct correlation to happiness? 
Oh absolutely! Getting my fix of Mother Nature and also being in the sunshine can change my mood really quickly!

We all have disappointments, fears, doubts, how do you combat negative thoughts? 
I try to dissect where the thoughts are rooted from and ask myself if it’s really true. We tend to create worse case scenarios in our head that have no validity. Most of the time I can find the root of the thought and work on fixing it.

You love to share your insights and motivations through your social media posts you call “Jeep Talks.” What are two things to share with our readers?
1) If you have a passion or dream in your heart, don’t worry about what anyone else will think; just follow that dream! 2) Don’t follow the crowd, and don’t be afraid to be different or stand out. People who live true to themselves are genuinely happy.

We hear you’re quite spontaneous, as in “I’m going hiking tomorrow.” Most people plan for months to do this sort of activity. Tell us how you make it happen so quickly, but safely. Do you enjoy solo hikes or having company?
I am definitely a spur of the moment person when it comes to adventure. It’s usually a random day when I have no appointments scheduled and nowhere to be, that I’ll just pack up and go. I do enjoy hiking with my husband, kids, and brother, but recently have fallen in love with solo hiking. If alone, I will only hike well-populated trails and always carry pepper spray.

How does someone achieve being present of mind?
It’s the journey, not the destination. Sometimes we get so focused on the end goal that we forget to enjoy the process. Hiking forces you to be in the present moment and take it all in—one step at a time.

Which places you’ve been to have inspired you the most?
I’m not really inspired by places as much as I am by experiences. Hiking in the mountains and a solo trip to California, where I explored, ate new foods, sat on the beach, read books, and took new workout classes, are both experiences that have inspired me to live my life the way I do.

Why are healthy habits important to you?
My healthy habits make me feel good, and when I feel good, I’m happier and more productive. Healthy habits aren’t just physical though, they are eating healthy foods, reading books, meditating, trying new things. All these habits help to create a full life.