Alex Clark

Ready to Rock Her Roles

July 2024 IssueAlexClark0724

by Lynne Hummell
Photography by Annalee Hunter

At the youthful age of 23, Alex Clark has accomplished more in her life so far than many people twice her age. While it is not unusual for women of all ages to multitask, Alex takes on her endeavors with the energy of a highly motivated individual, doing it all with grace and style.

A true Lowcountry girl, Alex was born in Charleston, S.C. and moved to Beaufort when she was 4 years old. Living in Bluffton since 2020, she graduated magna cum laude from the University of South Carolina Beaufort in April. Additionally, she was recognized as the “Outstanding English Major” by her teachers, whom she credits as her mentors and inspiration to pursue a teaching career.

Alex is preparing for her new position at Lowcountry Montessori School in Beaufort, teaching high school English and serving as a theatre guide. This position is extra special to her, as she attended Lowcountry Montessori from 8th grade through graduation, in which she was the salutatorian.

Along with her studies in her last semester, which included student teaching, Alex co-founded a nonprofit community theatre company, Sea Glass Stage Company, with her partner, Mark Erickson, whom she met onstage as a cast-mate in a local theatre production several years ago. The new theatre company had long been Mark’s dream. When he shared his ideas with Alex, she was all in and now serves as secretary of the board of directors. The company moved into its new home at the historic Coligny Theatre on Hilton Head Island in January this year.

“I was happy to be involved in making this dream a reality. I became really excited when I realized I could start my own education program with it,”
Alex said.

Just before the theatre’s first show, some friends organized a fundraiser for necessary purchases like stage lights and sound equipment. Those same friends, joined by Alex’s parents and other volunteers, showed up for a workday Alex organized to get the theatre ready for its new role. Those who know Alex weren’t surprised to find her on her knees scrubbing toilets, dragging miscellaneous junk out to the dumpster, and cleaning seats in the auditorium.

It should be the goal of all teachers to protect the pursuit of education for their students; and to serve those students by being prepared, being present and being professional.

A Jill of all trades, Alex used her childhood dance experience to choreograph the company’s first production, the musical “Tick … Tick … Boom!” Then, she was the stage manager and prop mistress for the next show, the Neil Simon comedy/drama “Lost in Yonkers,” which ran in May. In the midst of the final week of rehearsals for “Yonkers” Alex walked across the stage at her college graduation ceremony.

Just after “Yonkers” closed, she held auditions for Sea Glass’ third production this year, “The Great American Trailer Park Musical,” which she is directing. The show, a hilarious look at trailer park stereotypes, will run every weekend, July 5-28.

Starring in a dual roles, during rehearsals Alex held a week-long, summer playwriting camp for teens at the theatre. “I was inspired to create this because so many teachers in my life inspired me during camps and classes. I want to do that for others. My favorite camps always included playwriting, so I brought that concept to Hilton Head, specifically for an older group of kids,” she explained, so they could practice and have fun with their creative side.

Though soft-spoken, kind and gentle, Alex is the ultimate go-getter. She encourages actors to step outside their comfort zones with seemingly silly exercises as effective tools for better performances. Her aptitude for visualizing nuances in a scene is remarkable, sometimes surprising those who thought they knew what the playwright intended. She has a gift for calming others and always sees the best in people.

Alex also credits her family with helping her find her passion and grow into the person she is. “My early influencers were certainly my parents. They have always encouraged me to speak my mind and be my authentic self. They are my No. 1 fans. My nana also played a huge role in my life. She was my best friend growing up. … Mark has also taught me so much about theatre and encouraged me in every possible way. He is the best partner I could ask for.”


Up Close:

• Alex grew up living with her parents on a boat which was docked at a marina on the Beaufort River.

• She was homeschooled until the 8th grade

• At age 12, Alex presented a proposal to her parents to convince them to move the family to a house so she could have a walk-in closet and friends over to visit. She won her case.

• Alex has had a variety of pets, including two spiders and a tarantula. Currently, she has two cats, Slunky and Blueberry, and feeds another half dozen cats outside.

• She would like to give a shout out to her mentors—Libby Ricardo, Bruce Marlowe, Sarah Swofford, Lauren Hoffer, Lisa Sumner, and Cindy Sturgis!


Welcome to the Trailer Park!
“The Great American Trailer Park Musical”

Sea Glass Stage at Coligny Theatre,
1 N. Forest Beach Drive, Hilton Head Island

July 5th - 28th | Fri & Sat: 7:30 p.m. | Sunday: 2 p.m.