About the Artist - Candace Whittemore Lovely
April 2019 Issue
Candace Whittemore Lovely
by Cindy Whitman
In celebration of Pink’s 15th birthday, we are delighted to have the work of American Impressionist Painter and legendary local artist Candace Whittemore Lovely gracing the cover of the magazine for an unprecedented tenth issue. A Copely Master, trained in the Boston School tradition, Candace’s self-professed “fascination of the woman” has been in perfect symmetry with friend and Publisher Elizabeth Millen’s Pink philosophy of celebrating women from the start.
This month’s cover, Oceanic Breeze, which was painted in 2009, is another reflection on the two women’s shared feminine theme. In fact, the opening words of the artist’s description of the painting read like a definition of Pink Magazine: “A pleasurable experience of oneself…” The middle of the description is all Candace Lovely and what her life and art work are all about: “… reflected in nature, being the voyeur, as the model creates an overlapping shape encompassing the waves, the ocean and the sky that echoes the free motion of her dress with the movement of the water. It’s a rehearsed theme, as the fascination of a woman acts the feminine side of America’s psyche …” And then the symmetry between artist and publisher returns with a final flourish, “…laying down the standards of beauty, morality and liberty, while uplifting the human spirit and refining the mind by charms of love.”
Yes, Candace Lovely is the perfect person and artist to grace our birthday milestone cover.
When asked, of her ten magazine covers, if she has a favorite, the lively artist did not hesitate: “Venus Goes H2O,” she said. “It’s the most popular of my paintings, I think. Before Venus, I had always painted women near the sea, but not in it, so I decided to take her clothes off and put her under water.” Readers interested in viewing Venus H2O in person can do so at the South Carolina chapter of the National Association of Women Artists upcoming debut show where Venus H2O will be among the featured paintings and Candace among the featured artists.
Best known for painting non-confrontational views of contemporary American scenes, especially landscapes of treasured locales and people at play in idyllic locations, Candace credits her grandmother, who once told her that the cure for everything is saltwater—whether it’s sweat, tears, or the sea. A patron once told her that people want her paintings in their homes so they can smell the salt air ascribed within in the canvas, which is a compliment to her draftsmanship, realism and perhaps the secret to her talent for rousing the viewer’s senses.
Today’s technology has allowed Candace to expand her artistic vision of nature’s coastal beauty in various mediums. In addition to her fine art, Candace has created a series of coloring books, Color With Candace Whittemore Lovely Hilton Head Island: The Impressionist Way, available via Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
“Each Hilton Head Island painting is in values—the relative lightness or darkness of a color—of primary blue,” Candace explained. “Since form is made where the highlight meets the shadow, you can see the subject immediately. While coloring, you will see the rules of nature, light and color pop before your eyes, recreating my paintings by just using blue, red and yellow crayons.”
The energetic and passionate artist is also enjoying teaching these days, sharing what she has learned along her own distinguished artistic journey. “Artists have long developed their own styles by apprenticing and copying,” she said. “We yearn to explore the techniques of those we admire and try our hand (or brush) at them. Equally so, I desire to tutor others, passing along this grand tradition.”
Candace’s studio is open to students by appointment. She can be contacted by phone 843-540-3963 or email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Readers can also visit her website, www.candace lovely.com to learn more about her art and to sign up for her newsletter. To purchase a print of this month’s cover painting by Candace Lovely: log onto www.fineartamerica.com/featured/oceanic-breeze-candace-lovely.html